Vance Model of Transport

James E. Vance propounded the model of transport development based on the historical propagation of mercantilism in his book The Merchant’s World: The Geography of Wholesaling (1970). Vance model of transport originated as a reaction to Christaller’s Central Place Theory which aims to explain pattern of settlements and transport in a universally stagnant manner. This … Read more

Model of Transport Development by Taaffe, Morril and Gould

Ideal-Typical Sequence Model of Transport Development is an abstract explanation of sequence of various stages of development of transport network in underdeveloped countries. This model of transport development was given by Edward J. Taaffe, Richard L. Morril and Peter R. Gould in 1963 in their paper titled Transport Development in Underdeveloped Countries: A Comparative Analysis. … Read more

Introduction to Transport Geography

In common parlance, transport is defined as the movement of tangible goods and people from one place to another. However, there are various aspects of transportations such as time, space, cost, effort, reach, velocity etc. Since, the concept of space and place is closely connected to transportation, it becomes a subject matter of geographical analysis. … Read more

Thiessen Polygon Method

A. H. Thiessen proposed thiessen polygon method to show the area of influence of corresponding weather stations in a given area. However, various fields of sciences and social sciences use this technique of regionalisation for research purposes. It is based on division of a given area into polygons of different sizes and shapes. In fact, … Read more

Islands of India

There are two archipelagoes under the sovereignty of India i.e. Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep. Archipelagoes refers to a group of islands. These islands of India are located in the India ocean. These island are very important economically, environmentally and strategically. A student of geography should know about the process of formation of these islands … Read more

Mountain Ranges in India

India is a physiologically diverse country. There are five physiological divisions of India i.e. Indo-Gangetic Plains, Plateau, Mountain Ranges, Coastal Plains and Islands. The mountain ranges in India form the third largest physiological unit of India. These mountain ranges were formed during different periods of geological history in different places. Therefore, their altitude, rock structure, … Read more

Grasslands of the World

Grasslands are the large continuous regions having different types of grasses with either no trees or negligible presence of trees. These grasslands of the world are one of the largest biomes of the world. Steppe is the largest grassland in the world. Types of Grasslands There are two types of grasslands i.e. temperate grasslands and … Read more

Types of Resolution in Remote Sensing

In Remote Sensing, the image resolution refers to the amount of information available in a satellite imagery. There is four types of resolution in satellite imageries i.e. Spatial, Spectral, Radiometric and Temporal resolutions. These four types of resolution in remote sensing determine the amount and quality of information in an imagery. 1. Spatial Resolution Spatial … Read more

Types of Satellite Imagery

Satellite imagery is the most popular tool in the modern world to assess and analyze a large piece of earth’s surface. Most researchers and students of spatial sciences use this tool for monitoring land use, land cover change, climate change, weather forecast, disaster management and other environmental change. Therefore, a beginner needs to know different … Read more