Islands of India

There are two archipelagoes under the sovereignty of India i.e. Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep. Archipelagoes refers to a group of islands. These islands of India are located in the India ocean. These island are very important economically, environmentally and strategically. A student of geography should know about the process of formation of these islands … Read more

Mountain Ranges in India

India is a physiologically diverse country. There are five physiological divisions of India i.e. Indo-Gangetic Plains, Plateau, Mountain Ranges, Coastal Plains and Islands. The mountain ranges in India form the third largest physiological unit of India. These mountain ranges were formed during different periods of geological history in different places. Therefore, their altitude, rock structure, … Read more

Grasslands of the World

Grasslands are the large continuous regions having different types of grasses with either no trees or negligible presence of trees. These grasslands of the world are one of the largest biomes of the world. Steppe is the largest grassland in the world. Types of Grasslands There are two types of grasslands i.e. temperate grasslands and … Read more

Types of Resolution in Remote Sensing

In Remote Sensing, the image resolution refers to the amount of information available in a satellite imagery. There is four types of resolution in satellite imageries i.e. Spatial, Spectral, Radiometric and Temporal resolutions. These four types of resolution in remote sensing determine the amount and quality of information in an imagery. 1. Spatial Resolution Spatial … Read more

Types of Satellite Imagery

Satellite imagery is the most popular tool in the modern world to assess and analyze a large piece of earth’s surface. Most researchers and students of spatial sciences use this tool for monitoring land use, land cover change, climate change, weather forecast, disaster management and other environmental change. Therefore, a beginner needs to know different … Read more

Types of Aerial Photography

In the Introduction to Aerial Photography, we discussed the basic concept of aerial photography along with its characteristics, advantages and uses. However, aerial photographs are of various types. Different types of photographs have different merits and demerits. Hence, a researcher must know the various types of aerial photography to be able to use aerial photos according … Read more

Geometry of Aerial Photography

Aerial photography is the science and technology of capturing photos of the land surface from air. The product of aerial photography is an aerial photograph which refers to a large scale photo captured from a camera attached to any flying machine. The flying machine may be a helicopter, aeroplane, drone, etc. There are many Uses … Read more

Scale of Aerial Photography

Scale of aerial photography refers to the proportion of distance between two points on the aerial photograph and the distance between the same points on the ground. It is necessary to know the scale of an aerial photograph for the interpretation and photogrammetry. There are three scenarios where we need to calculate the scale. We … Read more

Introduction to Aerial Photography

Aerial photography is the science and technology of capturing photos of the land surface from any flying object such as airplane, helicopter, drone etc. Gaspar Felix Tournachon was first first person to capture an aerial photograph in 1858 from an air balloon. However, Talbert Abrams is known as the father of Aerial Photography. He was … Read more