Economic Growth Vs Development

The economic growth vs development is an old debate among the economists and regional planners. Some of them prefer economic growth while others prefer economic development. As a layman, you must have heard these terms in reference to the state of economy in a India or other countries. People use these terms as synonyms. However, … Read more

What is a Region and Its Types

Definition of Region A student often wonders, what is a region! In simple words, a region is a homogenous and sustainable spatial unit having distinguished characteristics differentiating it from the other spatial unit. In addition, a planning region is a portion of territory over which economic decisions, made by government, can be applied for economic … Read more

Difference Between Net Sown Area and Gross Cropped Area

Net Sown Area and Gross Cropped Area are two concepts which are used repeatedly to indicate the intensity of land use in agricultural sector. What is Net Sown Area? It is total area which is cultivated in an agricultural year. For instance, assume that the total land in a country is 100²Kms and 45²Kms. out … Read more

R.P. Mishra’s Growth Foci Model

R.P. Mishra gave his growth foci model in response to ideas of Perroux. Growth pole theory by Perroux was widely adopted by western scholars of his time. Boudeville tried to add spatial dimension to this theory but did not take into consideration that elaborate process of trickle down. R.P. Mishra, an Indian Geographer realized that … Read more

Boudeville Growth Pole Theory

Boudeville growth pole theory provides geographic sense to growth pole. Boudeville gave specific geographic and regional character to the growth pole. Perroux’s ideas in Perroux’s Growth Pole Theory does not specify the geographic extent of the growth pole. Boudeville tried to supplement Perroux’s idea by providing geographic dimension. He wrote his ideas in his book … Read more

Growth Pole Theory by Perroux

The growth pole theory was postulated by Francois Perroux in 1955. He considered growth pole as key driver of economic activities and development in a region. Basic idea behind his theory is that the growth in a large city propels the growth in the all the areas surrounding the large city due to exchange of … Read more

Relevance and Criticism of Von Thunen Model

Criticism of Von Thunen Model is based on its unidimensional character which is based in a medieval European setting. In Europe, the cropping intensity declines away from North-Western Europe. Similarly, the land-use zones are elongated along the cross-continental railways. The cropping intensity declines as one moves away from these modes of rapid transport. Due to … Read more

Von Thunen Model of Land Use and Rent

Von Thunen Model of land use and rent was given by J.H. Von Thunen, a German. He observed and analyzed the receipts of rent and distribution of agricultural activities in and around his estate in Rostok, Maclenburg, Germany and came to propose his model to determine the land-use around a city. Basic Idea of Von … Read more

Theory of Comparative Advantage of Trade

Theory of comparative advantage of trade explains that why different countries specializes in export of only fewer goods despite having all types resources. What is Trade? The exchange of goods and services between two or more parties is called trade. The trade is of two types i.e. Internal Trade and International Trade. The internal trade … Read more