What is Heat Wave and its types?

Presently, North India is reeling under very hot weather. A common person hears the news of heat wave very often during the months from March to June in India. In this article we will discuss the exact definition of heat waves and the reason of heat waves. What is Heat Wave? We, often, think that … Read more

Types of Population Density?

Population Density is a quantitative measure that presents a ratio between the population of a region and its corresponding total geographical area. Researchers use population density for comparative studies in demography or population study. Further, the population density also helps us to understand the population-resource relationship. It assists in getting a better understanding of the … Read more

Factors Affecting Population Distribution

Population is unevenly spread all over the world. You might have also observed this in your locality. Some places have low concentration of population whereas some areas have high concentration of population. In the world low concentration of population are found in deserts, dense forests, mountainous areas etc. Similarly, there are many areas like coastal … Read more

Difference Between Net Sown Area and Gross Cropped Area

Net Sown Area and Gross Cropped Area are two concepts which are used repeatedly to indicate the intensity of land use in agricultural sector. What is Net Sown Area? It is total area which is cultivated in an agricultural year. For instance, assume that the total land in a country is 100²Kms and 45²Kms. out … Read more

Whittlesey’s Agricultural Regions of The World

Whittlesey gave his classification of agriculture in 1936 based on many factors. For instance, factors controlling the yield, spatial stability, market orientation, specialization of agriculture etc. The relevance and basis of classification of Whittlesey’s Agricultural Regions has been discussed in a previous article. Whittlesey’s agricultural regions entails the social, cultural, biological and technological aspects of … Read more

Basis of Whittlesey Classification of Agricultural Regions

World has different climatic regions and different kinds of agriculture is practices in different climatic zones. However, human beings are intelligent beings. As a result, they are able to control the impact of environment on agriculture. They can also modify the agricultural environment through modern agricultural inputs. Therefore, Derwent Whittlesey classification of agricultural regions entails … Read more

What is Human Geography?

Human geography is a one of the two key branches of geography i.e. physical and human. Many people relate the word ‘Geography’ basically with knowing where things are. For instance, where is Sahara Desert, where is Mount Everest etc.? Knowing that why do they exist in specific regions is significantly important, too. It is much … Read more

Primate City

Mark Jafferson propounded his concept of primate city in 1939. He observed that a region’s regional development revolves around a large city of the region. All other cities are smaller than the largest city. He names the largest city as primate city. Characteristics of Primate City Primate city is the largest economically dominant city of … Read more

Rank Size Rule by GK Zipf

Many urban geographers have observed the existence of some kind of pattern in size and spacing of cities. Similarly, GK Zipf observed this pattern and propounded rank size rule. Rank Size Rule states that the population of all towns can be expressed in relation to the most populated city of a region. The rank size … Read more

Relevance and Criticism of Central Place Theory

Central place theory is a milestone in the quantitative revolution era. It demonstrated the use of quantitative techniques in spatial and locational studies. However, it has been criticized widely on many grounds. Criticism of central place theory led to development in the field of spatial studies. To understand the relevance of this theory, we must … Read more