Rural-Urban Fringe

R. J. Pryor gave the concept of rural-urban fringe in the year 1968. He observed that the characteristics of city do not disappear suddenly at the municipal boundary but slowly fade away outwards from the city. Thus, he arrived at the concept of rural-urban fringe. Definition of Rural-Urban Fringe It is the zone of transition … Read more

Methods of Demarcation of Umland

City has an intrinsic relationship with its periphery or surrounding area. An urban geographer must determine the spatial extent up to which the city influences social, economic and cultural landscape to make effective policies for development. Therefore, we should know the methods of demarcation of Umland. However, let us first understand the meaning of Umland. … Read more

Central Business District

Central Business District (CBD) refers to the core of the urban area which contains intensive commercial land-use. It is the most important  area of the structure of a city. The tallest non-residential buildings of the city are located in CBD. It acts as a growth pole of the city where most of economic and corporate … Read more

Definition of Urban Areas in India

We often hear about cities and towns and want to visit them for different reasons such as employment, entertainment, leisure etc. Before proceeding for any research in cities, we must have a clear definition of urban areas in India. However, the definition of urban areas vary from one country to another. The definition of urban … Read more

What is Urban Morphology?

In a narrow sense, urban morphology refers to the study of physical arrangement or structure of town. In a wider sense, it may be defined as a study of relationships of urban landscape with its occupiers in terms of patterns and distribution of socio-economic and political activities. Hence, urban morphology is not only a study … Read more

Weaver’s Crop Combination Method

J. C. Weaver’s crop combination method is one of the simplest and the most objective techniques to delineate agricultural regions. What is Crop Combination Crop combination refers to the most dominant group of crops which are being cultivated in a region for a particular time period (mostly year). The basic idea of Weaver’s method is … Read more

Social Well-Being and Quality of Life

In another article, we have discussed the concept of Social Well Being in Geography. We concluded that social well being is a very generic concept and its perception varies from person to person. Therefore, the social scientists have come up with a new concept i.e. Quality of Life (QOL). They argue that the the social … Read more

Social Well Being in Geography

Social well being in Geography came to prominence during 1970s as a result of relevance movement. During 1970s, the most deprived groups in society, such as blacks, Hispanics, poor, disabled, sexual minorities and religious minorities etc., started political movements against those laws which hampered them from leading a dignified life. In response to this political … Read more

Unbalanced Growth Theory by Albert Hirschman

In unbalanced growth theory, Hirschman argued that certain places are naturally endowed with natural resources whereas some places are resource scarce. Therefore, it is inevitable that the growth will take place at fewer places. Hence, he believed that the process of growth is intrinsically unbalanced unlike Gunnar Myrdal’s Theory. Similarity to Cumulative Causation Theory Hirschman’s … Read more

Cumulative Causation Theory by Gunnar Myrdal

The inception of process of regional development has remained a mystery for most of the development economists. Perroux and Boudeville’s have given their ideas regarding regional development in form of Growth Pole Theory. Similarly, Gunnar Myrdal also gave his cumulative causation theory for explaining the process of regional development. In Simple Words Gunnar Myrdal was … Read more